
2023 Shanghai 021 ART FAIR|BOOTH C14

2023Shanghai ART021 exhibition site

ART021 SHANGHAI Contemporary Art Fair




Yiran Shi

Titania Seidl

Shu Lin


VIP Preview 

2023/11/9-10  13:00 – 20:00

 Public Days 

2023/11/11-12 11:00 – 18:00


ARCH GALLERY will participate in the 11th Shanghai 21st Contemporary Art Fair at the Shanghai Exhibition Center from November 9 to 12, 2023. The gallery will showcase works by June Fischer, Yiran Shi, Titan We will display the works of four artists, Titania Seidl and Shu Lin, at booth P14, and have exchanges with many collectors and art lovers during this period.

The 11th ART021 Shanghai 21st Contemporary Art Fair returns to the Shanghai Exhibition Center. The total number of exhibitors at this expo has reached a record high, and the scale is also the largest in history. A total of nearly 150 high-quality galleries at home and abroad from 16 countries and regions and 34 cities gathered together, bringing nearly 10,000 contemporary art masterpieces, showing the increasingly active art scene and enthusiasm for international exchanges.

ART021 Shanghai 21st Contemporary Art Fair was founded in 2013. Adhering to the concept of “based on local, global perspective”, the fair brings together top galleries and institutions from around the world, striving to build a professional exchange for galleries, artists, collectors and global art lovers. A platform to share the latest trends and ideas in contemporary art. The ART021 team will create JINGART Art Expo Beijing and DnA SHENZHEN Design and Art Expo in 2018 and 2021.

This is the second time that Arch Gallery has participated in the Shanghai ART021 Art Fair. During this Shanghai Art Week, we can feel the vitality and tolerance of the industry’s ecology, and at the same time, the city of Shanghai is highly interconnected. After the first contact, we can feel that ART021 is a very efficient and professional team, and it is also a relatively effective art fair. As we near the end of the year, this participation is a good end-of-year summary.


About Works

(Introducing some of the exhibited works)

June Fischer, Everyone can do what he wants because everyone stands by what he dose, 2023, Screen print on ceramics, 65 x 45 x 5 cm
Shi Yiran, Bang! Bang! Bang!, 2023, Acrylic on board, 160 x 110 cm
Titania Seidl, At all times both subject and object or the sister of the big skirt, 2021, Watercolor, oil on canvas,200 x 120 cm
Titania Seidl,Faces distorted into pixealted visual static voices a delayed, alien sounding crackle, 2021, Oil on canvas, 200 x 120  cm
Titania Seidl,The painter&the rectangle (a small, unsetting intimacy) , 2017, Oil on canvas, 160 x 110  cm
Su Lin,Comparison – The water pond in the Foothills Park of the Nikita State University Molotov Botanical Garden, 2019, Sketch on paper, colored lead,30 x 40 cm
Su Lin,Comparison – A corner of the park in the Botanical Garden of the Komarov Institute of Botany, 2019, Sketch on paper, colored lead,30 x 40 cm




Glittering Signals

Aritist:Qi Le

Arched Wave: Beyond the Boundaries of Geography

Artists: Mutian Chen, Longing Hu, Xiaoliang Huang, Ying Li, Mingjun Luo, Bing Ma, Jianping Zou
Curator: Xinyu Wong

Arched wave: Throwing the hidden string in the discontinuity

Artists: Qiushi Chen, Yujian Guo, Mingjun Luo, Lijun Wang, Li Zhou, Wei Zhou
Producer: Wenjing

Flower For Algernon

Artists: Jing Wang/ Yiwen Zhao
Curator: Xinyu Wong





Art Channel


ARCH REVIEW | Gaze in the Dim Glow

“The Task of Alchemy”, Pocono Zhao Yu’s solo exhibition at Arch Gallery, presents a subtle sense of time traveling. As the title of the exhibition alludes to, it is as if the smelting and mysterious deeds of some spiritual objects. Within the whisper that fluttering outside of time, this enormous task is under the invisible dome of time.

ARCH REVIEW | Guo Yujian :Dangerous Complicitiy

When looking at Guo Yujian’s works, what have been depicted is always in a state of flow, and the secret words that are related to each other become images that avoid us and approach us. The work that takes shape on the canvas in our sight is yet to come, in transition, about to embrace change, and it will not push us away until the feeling is fulfil.

ARCH REVIEW | Making Complicity

When the painting is really close to us, the first thing that appears to our eyes is this Le cimetière marin[1] written by Valéry in 1922. The curators Hu Yihang and Zhang Tingzhi, together with artist Guo Yujian, divided the exhibition “Dangerous Complicity” in the gallery into three chapters with words and symbols: imagination, a plateau, and a theatre.



ARCH 采访 | 朱湘闽


ARCH 采访 | 谢燚


Tuesday – Sunday
10.00am – 6.00pm

ARCH Gallery
Yinjiachong Rd, Tianxin District
410000 Changsha

星期二 – 星期日
上午10.00 – 下午6.00


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