
Shi Yiran

Shi Yiran


Thanksgiving Day, Acrylic on board, 28x36cm, 2019

Born in 1983.

Master/ PhD in China Academy of Art(CAA),2009/2017 Studio Residency in International City of Art, Paris, French, 2015 Visiting Scholar in University of Pittsburgh, U.S., 2019-2020

In her paintings, a sense of “road movies” flashes from time to time, a feeling of loneliness and romance of “on the road” with these fragments which implicated together, are outlining an intertwined emo-geography.

Watching her series from Dolphin Hotel, Peacock Town, All Recruits to Mirage, the audience will find that almost all of these are the artist’s changing experiences in various fields, as well as emotional growth in relation to it.

2017,PEACOCK TOWN, Artopia Gallery, (Beijing)

2021,Mirage, L+, (Hangzhou)

Palateette:Opening Exhibition of SGA Gallery,Three on The Bund,Shanghai(2019);

Scripts,Traces and The Unpredictable,PearlLam Galleries,Shanghai(2019);

Under- currents,PearlLam Galleries,Shanghai(2018);

The Order of Painting,N3 Gallery, Beijing(2018);

Paradise:Catabolic Memorise,Cheng Contemporary Art Center,Beijing(2017);

Inexplicable, PearlLam Galleries,Shanghai(2017);

Beyond Utopia:Contemporary Art from China,Castello Di Rivara Art Museum,Turin(2016);

Utopia e oltre-China Pavillon- Paratissima Turin(2015);

“Xinfeng”Project: The Development of Vision Artist,Zhejiang Art Museum(2013);

The Landscape of Art,Art Museum of Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music,Tokyo(2009);

The 11 National Art Prize Hubei Art Museum,Wuhan(2009);

“Descriptive China” The 4t Chengdu Biennale,Chengdu Mordern Art Museum(2009);

The 3rd National Youth Art Exhibition,National Art Museum of China,Beijing (2008)

Sink, Acrylic on board, 28x36cm, 2019

Chevrolet, Acrylic on board, 28x36cm, 2019

Bride’s Room, Acrylic on board, 36x28cm, 2019

Breakfast, Acrylic on board, 72x54cm, 2021



Glittering Signals

Aritist:Qi Le

Arched Wave: Beyond the Boundaries of Geography

Artists: Mutian Chen, Longing Hu, Xiaoliang Huang, Ying Li, Mingjun Luo, Bing Ma, Jianping Zou
Curator: Xinyu Wong

Arched wave: Throwing the hidden string in the discontinuity

Artists: Qiushi Chen, Yujian Guo, Mingjun Luo, Lijun Wang, Li Zhou, Wei Zhou
Producer: Wenjing

Flower For Algernon

Artists: Jing Wang/ Yiwen Zhao
Curator: Xinyu Wong





Art Channel


ARCH REVIEW | Gaze in the Dim Glow

“The Task of Alchemy”, Pocono Zhao Yu’s solo exhibition at Arch Gallery, presents a subtle sense of time traveling. As the title of the exhibition alludes to, it is as if the smelting and mysterious deeds of some spiritual objects. Within the whisper that fluttering outside of time, this enormous task is under the invisible dome of time.

ARCH REVIEW | Making Complicity

When the painting is really close to us, the first thing that appears to our eyes is this Le cimetière marin[1] written by Valéry in 1922. The curators Hu Yihang and Zhang Tingzhi, together with artist Guo Yujian, divided the exhibition “Dangerous Complicity” in the gallery into three chapters with words and symbols: imagination, a plateau, and a theatre.


Since then, I have tried to let daydream-like imagination seep into the picture, and those earlier, more symbolic images have also been naturally diluted. Perhaps, it is precisely because of the temperament that seems to be infiltrated by the picture and some image contents that are contrary to reality that cause the association like a dream.

ARCH 采访 | 郭宇剑


ARCH 采访 | 薛若哲


ARCH 采访 | 周轶伦


Tuesday – Sunday
10.00am – 6.00pm

ARCH Gallery
Yinjiachong Rd, Tianxin District
410000 Changsha

星期二 – 星期日
上午10.00 – 下午6.00


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