
June Fischer

June Fischer , 2023,©Photo By Arch Gallery


June Fischer was born in Switzerland, graduated from the Zurich University of the Arts, and also works and settles in Zurich. Her artistic practice is multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary, including video, sculpture, installation, and art criticism. When viewing her works, you will find that she is good at breaking the boundaries of vision, so that the viewing objects can find something that is not planned. A new aesthetic while presenting a more sensory visual experience.


The basis for this work is the text Stuzzicadenti as in the work Flausen Fusion, 2019. ©Image from artist studio.
The basis for this work started with the text Stuzzicadenti for the sound installation Stuzzicadenti, 2017.©Image from artist studio.

In recent years, the artist has developed a keen interest in improving her technique in ceramic craftsmanship, while experimenting with different forms of presentation and the interplay between materials. Fischer’s expressive style is highly reflected in her work, evoking the state of separation.

Arch Gallery is currently showing June Fischer’s first exhibition in China. A total of 46 groups of artistic works including sculptures, installations, and videos are on display, covering two series of creations that the artist has researched in recent years. The exhibition opened on July 22, 2023, and will be on display until October 9.



“How can you preserve a video/performance? What forms of presentation are there to show a video? How can you present a video in an unconventional way? How can you integrate a video into a work? Where is the border between sculpture, painting and video art?”these are all questions that I have been asking myself and motivate me to experiment in order transcend such borders.

My artistic practice revolves around themes and questions concerning the absurdity the strange, the humorous, the conscious/ subconscious, nonsense, sensory perception and the everyday.In terms of content and form, my practice seeks the hybrid and is dependent on a constant development and transformation of artistic methods.

An ongoing text titled Stuzzicadenti, which constantly evolves as Ecriture automatique, currently serves as the basis for many of my works. An abstract piece, without a consistency or fixed narrative, which, with its audio-book character; wants to cast a spell of a non-existent story over the viewer. I translate individual words or sentences from the text into a specific medium in order to make it tangible and give it another form of existence. Stuzzicadenti is a cryptic script with a narrative strand that can go in all directions.The result is an examination of different media and their possibilities to visualize a manifold nature of organic bodies.

work can be brought together individually or in combination with other works created from this text. Thus, in each exhibition new and/or old works are reunited and recombined. Each work has a fixed name, but each new combination of works is given a new title.

My work should take the viewer into another world and allows a Lot of room for interpretation. In an exhibition space the sculptures are deliberately placed in rather non-obvious positions and spread across the room. A hidden and playful invitation to embark on a journey full of possible surprises and new perspectives.



Everyone can do what he wants, because everyone stands by what he does ,Screen print on ceramics,  65*45*5cm, 2023,©Photo By Arch Gallery
Even the smallest unicellular organisms are beginning to complain, Screen print on ceramics, 121*68*10cm, 2023,©Photo By Arch Gallery
Flausen Fusion III,  Screen print on ceramics, polyurethan, 35×35×11 cm, 2022,©Photo By Arch Gallery
Flausen Fusion III, Screen print on ceramics, polyurethan,46×38×9 cm, 2021,©Photo By Arch Gallery
Magnus der Delphin oder böse ist anders, der Buchstabe T zum Beispiel,Screen print on ceramics,screen, video loop,121 x 68 x 10 cm, 2021-2022, ©Photo By Arch Gallery
Even the smallest unicellular organisms are beginning to complain , Screen print on ceramics,121 x 68 x 10 cm, 2023, ©Photo By Arch Gallery
One can take no more,Screen print on ceramics,screen,65 x 45 x 5 cm, 2023, ©Photo By Arch Gallery
Callosamia promethea, porcelain, 22 x 32 x 9 cm, 2023, ©Photo By Arch Gallery

June Fischer was born in August 1995 in Zurich, Switzerland. This is also where she currently lives and works as an independent artist.

While in recent years Fischer has developed a strong interest in refining her technical skills in ceramic craftsmanship, her artistic practice is highly multidisciplinary  and encompasses media such as photography, sculpture, installation as well as writing and audiovisual work. As such, she seeks to transcend and challenge the boundaries between fixed categories   whilst experimenting with the interplay between different forms of presentation and materials.Fischer’s versatile approach of expression is highly reflected in her works and evokes the state of dissociation. We all desperately yearn to hold on to something, don’t we? Solid lines between distinct media and context are deliberately blurred by a playful overlay.

2023 Please,Do Mind The Gap, ARCH Gallery, Changsha, CN

2022 No need to cerebrate, Hamlet, Zurich, CH

2021 Where Pikachu Meets Sea Bunny, Rindermarkt 23, Zurich, CH

2022 ACLA case studies, Nagelihof 2, Zurich, CH

Nach dem Winter taut der Schnee, Bahnhof Takeaway, Wintherthur, CH


2021 JETZT WIRDS SCHON, Kleio Space, Zurich, CH


2019 PALMA PIXA ZIGA ZERO, Toni-Areal, Zurich, CH

ZHdK Radicals, Toni-Areal, Zurich, CH

AM GAA AA, Zum Hirschen, Muotathal, CH

Group Show, à Duplex, Geneve, CH

A Very Crowded Room, Toni-Areal, Zurich, CH消)


2017 Moving Critique, Anemonenstrasse 42, Zurich, CH

Moving Critique, Toni-Areal, Zurich, CH

Moving Critique, Anemonenstrasse 42, Zurich, CH

Moving Critique, Toni-Areal, Zurich, CH

Categories: Uncategorised



Glittering Signals

Aritist:Qi Le

Arched Wave: Beyond the Boundaries of Geography

Artists: Mutian Chen, Longing Hu, Xiaoliang Huang, Ying Li, Mingjun Luo, Bing Ma, Jianping Zou
Curator: Xinyu Wong

Arched wave: Throwing the hidden string in the discontinuity

Artists: Qiushi Chen, Yujian Guo, Mingjun Luo, Lijun Wang, Li Zhou, Wei Zhou
Producer: Wenjing

Flower For Algernon

Artists: Jing Wang/ Yiwen Zhao
Curator: Xinyu Wong





Art Channel



Since then, I have tried to let daydream-like imagination seep into the picture, and those earlier, more symbolic images have also been naturally diluted. Perhaps, it is precisely because of the temperament that seems to be infiltrated by the picture and some image contents that are contrary to reality that cause the association like a dream.

ARCH REVIEW | Making Complicity

When the painting is really close to us, the first thing that appears to our eyes is this Le cimetière marin[1] written by Valéry in 1922. The curators Hu Yihang and Zhang Tingzhi, together with artist Guo Yujian, divided the exhibition “Dangerous Complicity” in the gallery into three chapters with words and symbols: imagination, a plateau, and a theatre.

ARCH REVIEW | Guo Yujian :Dangerous Complicitiy

When looking at Guo Yujian’s works, what have been depicted is always in a state of flow, and the secret words that are related to each other become images that avoid us and approach us. The work that takes shape on the canvas in our sight is yet to come, in transition, about to embrace change, and it will not push us away until the feeling is fulfil.

ARCH 采访 | 梁浩

「IT’S A JOKE别太当回事,儿」是ARCH GALLERY拱形画廊策划的首个群展。展览从时间和空间两个维度探寻了艺术家在各自创作过程中所使用的不同方法观念。为了让大家更进一步地了解艺术家的创作理念,ARCH CHANNEL此番专访梁浩。

ARCH 采访 | 谢燚


ARCH 采访 | 郭宇剑


Tuesday – Sunday
10.00am – 6.00pm

ARCH Gallery
Yinjiachong Rd, Tianxin District
410000 Changsha

星期二 – 星期日
上午10.00 – 下午6.00


© 2021  Arch Gallery all rights reserved. Email:
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