


Arch Gallery is pleased to announce the online release of the new book “EMO-GEOGRAPHY” on March 19th by artist Shi Yiran.

ARCH REVIEW | Gaze in the Dim Glow

“The Task of Alchemy”, Pocono Zhao Yu’s solo exhibition at Arch Gallery, presents a subtle sense of time traveling. As the title of the exhibition alludes to, it is as if the smelting and mysterious deeds of some spiritual objects. Within the whisper that fluttering outside of time, this enormous task is under the invisible dome of time.


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NINGBO CONTEMPORARY International Gallery Weekend丨BOOTH A1

Art Fairs NINGBO CONTEMPORARY International Gallery Weekend丨BOOTH A1  Artists  Geng Xue Xu Danqing Yan Qing June·Fischer Titania Seidl VIP Preview  2024/5/29  14:30 - 20:00 2024/5/30  10:00 - 22:00 Public Days  2024/5/31   10:00 - 22:00 2024/6/1   10:00 - 22:00 2024/6/2  10:00 - 18:00 ARCH GALLERY will grace the inaugural Ningbo Contemporary International Gallery Week from May ...

Glittering Signals

Exhibition Glittering Signals Host: ARCH GALLERY Artists:Qi Le Curator: WenJing Opening: 2024.6.7 Address: 1123 Cultural and Creative Park, Tianxin District, Changsha ARCH GALLERY is pleased to present Glittering Signals, the first solo exhibition of artist Qi Le at the gallery. The exhibition opens on the evening of 7th June 2024 and will run until 28th ...

Qi Le

Qi Le Artist The glint of hallucination, Acrylic on wood-board,30 × 21 cm,2023 B1991 in southern Gansu, China 2011-2015 Bachelor's degree in Theater, Film, and Television Art Design, Communication University of China 2015-2018 Master's degree in Image and Symbolic Language, Central Academy of Fine Arts "The thrills and freshness of morning, dusk, and night. These ...

About Us

Arch Gallery About Us ARCH GALLERY was established in 2021 with the meaning of ‘arch’ from ‘architecture’, is an institution dedicated to promoting the global development of contemporary art. It was formerly known as WOOTON Gallery. Based on academic research, ARCH GALLERY works closely with artists, curators, and art galleries around the world to explore ...

Arched Wave: Beyond the Boundaries of Geography

  Arched Wave: Beyond the Boundaries of Geography Host: ARCH GALLERY Artists: Mutian Chen, Longing Hu, Xiaoliang Huang, Ying Li, Mingjun Luo, Bing Ma, Jianping Zou Curator: Xinyu Wong Opening: 2024.3.10 Address: 1123 Cultural and Creative Park, Tianxin District, Changsha     At the beginning of the 2024 Chinese New Year, Arch Gallery is pleased

Arch Channel

Allarch interviewArt ReviewAll          arch interview          Art Review           ARCH REVIEW | Guo Yujian :Dangerous ComplicitiyWhen looking at Guo Yujian’s works, what have been depicted is always in a state of flow, and the secret words that are related to each other become images that avoid us and approach us. The work that takes shape on the canvas in ...

2023 Shanghai 021 ART FAIR|BOOTH C14

2023Shanghai ART021 exhibition site

ARCH GALLERY will take part in the 11th Shanghai Contemporary Art 21 from 9 to 12 November 2023 at the Shanghai Exhibition Center. The gallery will be honored to present works by four artists: June Fischer, Yiran Shi, Titania Seidl and Shu Lin, and look forward to meeting collectors and art lovers at booth P14.



Glittering Signals

Aritist:Qi Le

Arched Wave: Beyond the Boundaries of Geography

Artists: Mutian Chen, Longing Hu, Xiaoliang Huang, Ying Li, Mingjun Luo, Bing Ma, Jianping Zou
Curator: Xinyu Wong

Arched wave: Throwing the hidden string in the discontinuity

Artists: Qiushi Chen, Yujian Guo, Mingjun Luo, Lijun Wang, Li Zhou, Wei Zhou
Producer: Wenjing

Flower For Algernon

Artists: Jing Wang/ Yiwen Zhao
Curator: Xinyu Wong





Art Channel



Since then, I have tried to let daydream-like imagination seep into the picture, and those earlier, more symbolic images have also been naturally diluted. Perhaps, it is precisely because of the temperament that seems to be infiltrated by the picture and some image contents that are contrary to reality that cause the association like a dream.

ARCH REVIEW | Guo Yujian :Dangerous Complicitiy

When looking at Guo Yujian’s works, what have been depicted is always in a state of flow, and the secret words that are related to each other become images that avoid us and approach us. The work that takes shape on the canvas in our sight is yet to come, in transition, about to embrace change, and it will not push us away until the feeling is fulfil.

ARCH REVIEW | Gaze in the Dim Glow

“The Task of Alchemy”, Pocono Zhao Yu’s solo exhibition at Arch Gallery, presents a subtle sense of time traveling. As the title of the exhibition alludes to, it is as if the smelting and mysterious deeds of some spiritual objects. Within the whisper that fluttering outside of time, this enormous task is under the invisible dome of time.

ARCH REVIEW | 在倦意来临时服药


ARCH 采访 | 郑江


ARCH 采访 | 薛若哲


Tuesday – Sunday
10.00am – 6.00pm

ARCH Gallery
Yinjiachong Rd, Tianxin District
410000 Changsha

星期二 – 星期日
上午10.00 – 下午6.00


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